About the Public CES

What is the Public CES

The Cloudogu EcoSystem integrates numerous tools in a platform. Since it is sometimes hard to grasp what that really means, you can take a look at our Public CES. It is an instance that contains some sample projects that showcase features of the tools and how they interact with each other.

All you need is a myCloudogu account to log in.

The Public CES shows you…

  • How issues can be updated via commit messages (Link)
  • How Jenkins can be used to automate processes (Link)
  • Basics about pull requests in SCM-Manager (Link)
  • Advanced features for pull requests in SCM-Manager (Link)
  • How custom scripts can be used to automate tasks in SCM-Manager (Link)

Open Source Projects

Additionally, the Public CES hosts several open source repositories for the SCM-Manager project.

  • gradle-smp-plugin: A Gradle plugin to build SCM-Manager plugins.
  • integration-test-runner: Integration-Test-Runner to run all available integration tests against specific SCM-Manager instance
  • SCM-Manager: Source code management tool that hosts Git, Subversion and Mercurial repositories (mirrored from GitHub)
  • scm-review-plugin: Plugin that adds so called pull or merge request workflows to SCM-Manager (mirrored from GitHub)
  • scm-editor-plugin: The editor plugin allows files to be created, uploaded, changed or deleted directly within the SCM-Manager. (mirrored from GitHub)

How to get there

Simply click on this link and you will be logged in with your myCloudogu account.