after we rebooted our linux server, scm-manager appeared to be down. In the logs it mentioned cleaning up work dirs and the disk space usage decreased substantially. Can someone educate me on these work docs and how to keep them from filling up my disk again?
Hey Marlene,
do you mean the working directories? Their are used for internal operations for repositories in SCM-Manager. Normally they will be cleaned up automatically. If you have restarted the server, there might be some corrupt files left? Do you have a stacktrace or specific errors?
Here some more informations on this topic:
Not sure. this is what I saw in the log.
] INFO - deleting 0 old work dirs in /var/lib/scm/repositories/BMTCo4wUGSM/work
2023-01-26 13:07:16.186 [main] INFO - deleting 0 old work dirs in /var/lib/scm/repositories/BgTRuELJUTc/work
2023-01-26 13:07:16.186 [main] INFO - deleting 0 old work dirs in /var/lib/scm/repositories/4kTFMDYmFK1/work
2023-01-26 13:07:16.186 [main] INFO - deleting 0 old work dirs in /var/lib/scm/repositories/8iTFMCz1mJX/work
2023-01-26 13:07:16.186 [main] INFO - deleting 0 old work dirs in /var/lib/scm/repositories/BITTUwEcynX/work
2023-01-26 13:07:16.186 [main] INFO - deleting 0 old work dirs in /var/lib/scm/repositories/4iTFMDIiyJm/work
2023-01-26 13:07:16.187 [main] INFO - deleting 2 old work dirs in /var/lib/scm/repositories/5wSpUzQVUZ/work
And the disk space usage went from almost 1TB down to 90GB.
This is the message that was on the vm’s console before we rebooted.
Hey @mcote
workdirs will be deleted with each restart.
Question regarding your reported issue: is it true that you have one/two large repository? With almost one TB allocated space?
No, we have many repositories, but one disk that is dynamic and currently has 1TB of allocated space.