Trouble accessing the admin page after installation


I would like to inquire because I am having trouble accessing the admin page after installation.

The target OS for installation is CentOS 8 Stream.

I installed it by referring to the URL below.

After installing it several times, two problems occurred, so I would like to ask for your confirmation.

Situation 1.
After installation is complete, access to the admin page is not possible through port 8080. (Confirmed service running status, and the firewall for port 8080 has been disabled.)

Situation 2.
After installation is complete, there are times when it is possible to access the admin page through port 8080.
However, when the CentOS server is restarted, access to the admin page is again impossible, as in situation 1.

This problem did not occur when installing the previous version 2.x.x, so please confirm.

Thank you.


Hey @junbrother93,

when you say the admin page doesn’t work, can we assume that other pages are still working?

Also could you please provide:

  • list of installed plugins
  • your server-logs
  • screenshot of your error page in browser?

Regards, Eduard


when you say the admin page doesn’t work, can we assume that other pages are still working?

  • **No, I couldn’t access any pages. **

Also could you please provide:

  • list of installed plugins
    There are no separately installed plugins.
    I just followed the steps in the screenshot below.

  • your server-logs

Thank you. This is helpful. We will try to reproduce your error and get to you asap.

Just a wild guess: Could you please check your config.yml which should be located in /etc/scm/config.yml. There you can set the option enableForwardHeaders to be true like this.


I restarted the service, but I still can’t access the page.

Hey @junbrother93 ,

after trying to run SCM-Manager on a virtual Centos server, we stumbled upon an issue we had some time ago which may explain, why your server isn’t starting up. But this only applies, if there is no data, yet.

So if you are on a fresh server, please follow this instruction to make sure that your random generator is initialized (you’d have to replace apt-get with yum for Centos). This fixed the start-up issue on my virtual server.

If you already have a directory with SCM data (aka “scm-home”), you have to make sure that this is configured in the config.yml file under webapp/homeDir (by default this is /var/lib/scm and it should be the same default as for 2.x). If you had this configured differently in SCM-Manager 2.x, this configuration may has got lost during the update.

screenshot of the config.yml file with a different scm-home

Does this help?


Your Solution

It works.
Thank you.

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