Cyrillic symbols issue while PR review

Good day, to everyone.
I have an issue with cyrillic symbols on pull request review stage. (see attached images)
Is there any way to fix it? I will be really appreshiated.

Hi @amakhn ,
we will definitely try to fix this. Does your server run on Windows or on Linux?

Good day, @pfeuffer. Many thanks!
Correct, the OS is Windows Server 2019 (1809).
Scm-manager version [2.34.0] is installed.

There are defenetly present the correlation with option in language setting (Language setting - Region - Adminstrative tab - Current system locale):

I has changed this option to “Russain” for test purposes. And characters has changed!


The checkbox: Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support has no result.

As I can’t predict all long term consecuenses regarding this options, i prefer to revert it back to default state - English (United Kingdom), Beta unicode - unchecked.

BTW: file encoding is UTF-8.

Solved with Fix character encoding in diffs by pfeuffer · Pull Request #2046 · scm-manager/scm-manager · GitHub