Scm-manager with cloudflare for https

I updated from v2 to v3 recently. I did not setup the server’s ssl. However, the V2 can work with cloudflare and support https, when my domain is proxied by cloudflare. But for V3, the cloudflare https does not work. Any one has the same experience or any suggestions on how to fix it?

For https on cloudflare, I use this configuration:
Enable encryption only between your visitors and Cloudflare. This will avoid browser security warnings, but all connections between Cloudflare and your origin are made through HTTP.

Hi @emeee !

Have you enabled forward headers in SCM-Manager? This has to be done explicitly in your config.yml for v3. For details, take a look here:

If this does not help, please give us a hint.

Hi @emeee ,
just out of interest, why is your SCM Manager instance behind a Cloudflare firewall?

Thank you. This works.

I use cloudflare as the name server for my domain. If poxied, cloudflare will hide the IP address. It can also support https without the need to setup ssl in my server.

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Thanks for the insides!