Shorter url

After a couple of years experimenting with fossil as my scm, I’m moving back to git… and scm-manager. I can’t remember for sure, but it seems like the urls used to be shorter, currently, I have a code repo hosted on scm-manager (and about 8 others), the url looks like:


I thought it used to be something along the lines of:


or even


Is this possible or am I misremembering (used version 1 and 2 and maybe even early 3…)?



Hello @decuser,

no this is not possible. You can remove the scm part of the path, by setting the context path. For more information take a look here. Alternatively you could use a reverse proxy to redirect the shorter urls to the actual ones.

With kind regards,


Hi @thomas.zerr ,

Ah well, it was a nice thought. I’ll live with it. I know the url now and if I forget later, cat .git/config will bring it back to memory. Thanks!

  • will

Alternatively you could use a reverse proxy to redirect the shorter urls to the actual ones.

I’m trying to do this right now. My rules are:

location /  {										
			proxy_pass http://svn;	
		location /scmadmin/ {			
		    rewrite ^/scmadmin/(.*)$ /scm/repo/scmadmin/$1 break;
			proxy_pass http://svn;			

In nginx log is see that request to /scmadmin/My_REPO was rewriten to /scm/repo/scmadmin/My_REPO, but:

  1. Browser show me header, footer and no contentof repo’s main page. Log reports:
 host: "svn"
 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream,
  1. TortioseSVN shows error “invalid path” on attempts to checkout repo or commit changes. While actualy i still can commit but there is an error.
    Yep, i’ve used this manual to configure nginx
    So, the question is - do anybody have successfull example of shortening url IRL ?