SCM Display More Repos per Page

We are using version 2.37.2

Is there a way to display more repositories per page?

If not, can this feature be added?

Hi @laverdechuck

welcome to our community!

Currently the displayed numbers of repositories per page is limited. And we limited the number of repositories due to performance reasons.

May I ask you why you want to display more repositories per page? And do you have a suggestion how many repositories you would like to see per page?

We have a bunch of older developers who really liked how version 1 displayed the repos is the why.
20 - 25 per page would probably calm the grumbling!


Thank you Chuck!

We will discuss your change request in our backlog refinement and will come back to you soon


Hi @laverdechuck

I am happy to inform you that your feature request was released with version 1.12.0 of the SCM Landing Page Plugin:

Now you can set the number of repositories via clicking on the gear icon in the top left corner when you are an the repository overview page.

Hope you still enjoy SCM-Manager and let us know if there are more feature requests :slight_smile: