- bug description (occurred issue): Our team has been testing the Mirroring Feature to migrate our old SVN server to SCM-Manager. During initial tests, we may have have deleted a mirrored repo without unmirroring the repo. As a result, the mirror worker still continues to to mirror the repo even if the repo on SCM-Manager was deleted. Is there a way to stop this mirroring process manually?
Thank you very much for viewing this.
expected result / system behavior: When a mirror repo was set up and deleted, the mirror worker should also get stopped or deleted.
observed result / system behavior: The mirror worker continue to the following the mirroring schedule even if the repo was deleted.
SCM-Manager version and installed package:
- SCM-Manager Version: 3.2.1
- Repository Mirror Plugin: 2.5.0
- Subversion: 3.2.1
(Please also add Screenshots of the issue + if possible a trace created by the SCM-Manager support plugin)