Vertical line and information about tabs in edit mode (e.g. in yaml highlighting)

For a better understanding of your idea it would be helpful if you could answer the following questions:

Hi all,

  • What is your goal? What do you want to achieve?
    I think, you also know the situation counting spaces in edit mode - how many spaces did I type? Am I on the same position as 20 lines up? Unsure, so go up 20 lines, delete the spaces 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. OK, do down again pressing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8times space. OK next chapter - mh, are there tabs inside the line? Delete the empty space in front of the information - ah, no, no tabs…

Maybe the following idea would be helpful to come out of the mess. Having a vertical line would help to see which space position is needed to add another entry to stringData or spec… but 10, 20 or more lines more down.
Maybe visualize tabs in the line with an outline frame around the tab with e.g. red color.
Now become more special, to see the 2spaces as a frame. So, having each 2spaces in a frame, you can directly see how many spaces are needed for deeper indentations. In combination with the vertical line, following the cursor position, you have the option to navigate more easy in edit mode.
These functions maybe become only visible in yaml highlighting mode.

  • What is the benefit for the community?
    Basically, for anyone who has to edit yaml manifests in scm-manager ;).

  • Do you have examples? Or already a concrete idea for a solution?
    hope, the goal gives you a hint. Otherwise come back to me or ask Philipp Markiewka. He knows what I´m writing about.


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Hey Sascha,

thank you for your input!

We will discuss it beginning of next week and will come back with a first feedback afterwards.

Hi Christoph,

may I ask if there is any update regarding my request?
Just wondering if there is something new about it.

Many thanks and best regards,

Hi Sascha

indeed there is progress. Last week we’ve already tried some ways to implement “indent guides”. This was successful and now we are working on styling for our themes.
We may be able to release the feature with the next release :slight_smile:

Hi Christoph,
happy to hear. Just to get an impression, will it be somehow similar as e.g. gitea handles the vertical lines to visualize indents?

Many thanks and best regards,

Hi Sascha,

this is how SCM-Manager will handle indents in the upcoming version 2.47.
